Stuff, Things & Favorite Photos
So, Zoe is now crawling on her knees. She is also snacking nearly constantly. She is often heard coming with a 'thunk' as she crawls with her fist lodged in a Snack Trap.
Amelia is on her second sinus infection of the year. Not normally a cuddly girl, she wants to snuggle. With her 102 degree body. In the heat of summer. Oh, kid. I tucked her in the second night of the fever and she said, "I can't believe it." "What?" "That I'm sick. I don't want this headache or this fever. I just want to be all good. I had the fever lesterday (sic) and I'm not bery (sic) good at getting better." Poor Little.
A few weeks ago I took the girls to the NC State Museum of Natural History in Raleigh. This was the justification for going to Trader Joe's. The store had kites displayed throughout and was holding a drawing for these. A worker got AC's info and, guess what, she won one. So now we're driving back (2 hours) to get her free kite. What? It totally makes sense. This time I'm justifying it with a visit to a a children's museum.