Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Tree-lined Streets
Tree-lined Streets, a set on Flickr.
Giving new meaning to "tree-lined streets." The clean-up effort in my neighborhood post-Irene.
Committed at
4:16 AM
Monday, August 29, 2011
Santa's Land
Santa's Land, a set on Flickr.
Our latest hurr-evac turned hurry-vac adventure! Ended up in Cherokiee, NC, at Santa's Land. It's a 60's era theme park. It's just plain weird.
Committed at
8:56 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2011
August '11
August '11, a set on Flickr.
Photos from this month of crazy. We have a puppy. Crazy. That brings the dog total to 3. Crazy. Not pictured: Our praying mantis, Jaws. Crazy. Hurricane Irene came to town, the dogs, kids, and Mama fled to the NE tip of Georgia where Groms and Grandpa have a cabin for which we are SO grateful. Crazy. Brandon stayed behind for Irene. Crazy. Pics from that will be forthcoming.
Committed at
6:30 PM