I'm not sure what this says about me
Carl's Jr. has Cap'n Crunch shakes and malts. I had a malt last evening. Last night, I dreamed about it. Was it that good or is my life that small-town. Hmmm.
Carl's Jr. has Cap'n Crunch shakes and malts. I had a malt last evening. Last night, I dreamed about it. Was it that good or is my life that small-town. Hmmm.
Committed at
8:22 AM
Him (from behind the bathroom door): No, no, no! Aargh. Gah.
Me (greatly concerned): What happened!?!
Him: I accidentally read Cathy!
A month later, repeated with substitution: Mutts.
Me (unloading groceries): Look, Albertson's has organic milk by the gallon now.
Him: Cool, how much is it?
Me: Seven dollars.
Him: Gah!
Me: The half-gallons are usually $3.50 or a little more, so...
Him: Gah!
Me: Hey, what's more important than the food we feed our family?
Him: How we're gonna pay for our iPhones!
(Editor's note - Fear not, we found a way)
Committed at
12:25 PM