Saturday, April 19, 2008

Things you've missed out on...

Him (from behind the bathroom door): No, no, no! Aargh. Gah.
Me (greatly concerned): What happened!?!
Him: I accidentally read Cathy!

A month later, repeated with substitution: Mutts.


Me (unloading groceries):
Look, Albertson's has organic milk by the gallon now.
Him: Cool, how much is it?
Me: Seven dollars.
Him: Gah!
Me: The half-gallons are usually $3.50 or a little more, so...
Him: Gah!
Me: Hey, what's more important than the food we feed our family?
Him: How we're gonna pay for our iPhones!

(Editor's note - Fear not, we found a way)

1 comment:

  1. Too bad goats are a pain in the ass to take care of, it would be nice to have steady milk and the ability to produce your own creamy goodness of cheese. Chickens poop too much, or they woud be nice to have too. Oh....the good ole days of sustainable living for the little folks.
