Saturday, December 27, 2008

News and more photos

Take two proven baby-makers, send them on a two-week vacation in an incredible part of the world without the aforementioned proof, and voila, more proof is on the way. That's right, we're crazy enough to do this thing again and are expecting a baby early August.

Also, Brandon uploaded his trip pics (finally)!


  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Hey you baby machines, you...congratulations! I had a feeling the cruise was the culprit. Looking forward to the results of your unfettered revelry in August!!

    Cheers and lots of love!

  2. Hooray Congratulations!! Maybe we'll get two more cousins this time?

  3. Um, Kim? Don't even joke. I'm having a hard enough time picking out a *double* stroller.

  4. I know, I always hated it when people suggested it was a possibility when I was pregnant too. Double strollers!! I love my BOB in a big way, but I also hear great thing about Phil and Ted. Everyone who has one raves about it.

  5. WOW - talk about awesome news! Congrats to you all and good luck with the growing belly. I still need to meet A and you need to meet Spencer! Any chance you will be coming through Ventura any time soon?

  6. K - Definitely interested in Phil & Ted's. I like that it works fine for one or two kids at a time.

    V - Possibly in January, but no plans yet.

  7. Hey, congrats!!! Post belly pics, like Dooce!

  8. Yes, I totally agree with you. The one thing I dont like about mine is that it is really only good for two kids at a time. If you get it, I cannot wait to hear the reviews.

  9. Siblings are a wonderful thing (most days). I am super excited and happy for you!
