Baker Man
Brandon made an incredible apple pie last weekend. It was the kind of pie that takes five pounds of apples to make it worth your while. When Brandon bakes, it's a best-case scenario. He researches and gets out his scientist hat. This is the pie.
And this is the inside of the pie.
We ate some pie. We gave some pie to our neighbors. We ate some more. And there was still some left several days later. Amelia and Brandon looked at the pie and Amelia came running to find me. "Mom, there's mulch on the pie!" "Mulch?" "Yeah, mulch on the pie. And that's the first 'mergency!" "Mold? Could it be mold? And what's the second emergency?" Never did find out what the second emergency was, but mold was indeed the culprit as far as the pie was concerned.
two thoughts: YUMMMMM and HAHAHAHA!