Thursday, March 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Honey Haku!

It's my dad's birthday today. He celebrated by getting his teeth cleaned. Why not?

Sorry to have not posted in a while, I'll get to it soon, I promise. Blame it on my laziness, or perhaps the fact that I'm suffering from this.


  1. The reference page seems to say your vertigo is caused by something similar to your very popular throat nuggets but actually ear nuggets!?!?!? Do you have nuggets hidden everywhere?

    Feel better. No sudden movements.

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I know, isn't that weird? I have nuggets everywhere. I actually do feel better now, the doc did that maneuver in his office when he figured out my problem and after sleeping sitting up that night, I am fixed. Nuggets are in place.

  3. Anonymous8:42 PM

    whoa,nellie--what a condition. glad you're feeling better. missed your posts!

  4. Anonymous1:19 PM

    What a weird coincidence...I was just telling DH that over the past week or so, I've had spells of vertigo...wonder if I have loose crystals, too...

  5. My sister's recent vertigo was actually caused by her allergies (which she has many, determined by the nasty needle testing). Allergies were causing her ears to hold fluid, thus the vertigo & imbalance. Now she's getting allergy shots and it's getting better.

    One of her allergies, which is so weird and took a while to diagnose is an allergy to latex, which is weirdly related to avocado and banana allergies. Who knew?!

    Hope you're feeling better :o)
