Thursday, January 11, 2007

Cuatro Generaciones

4 generations, originally uploaded by Monkey loves Kitten.

Amelia is so popular. She had a visit from Brandon's mom, aunt Val, and grandpa LeRoy (Poppo) last week. After that she had her first trip out of town to Santa Clarita and her first trip to a restaurant to meet Great-Grand Gramps Otto and Great-Grandma Eve. They were in SoCal already so the timing was perfect. Amelia is just checking people off the list left and right!

The baby had a checkup at two weeks and two days and is growing well. The kid's head gained half an inch, her length had increased by an inch, and she gained 14 ounces in nine days. Clearly she's getting enough to eat. As she should the number of times a day she requires Mama's services in that department.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you guys are updating your photos - looks like everything is going great. Your a good lookin family!
