Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Back on the Trail again!

We're hitting the ol' dusty trail again. Heading out Monday. Took the dogs to the cleaners yesterday so we can stand to be in the car with them for long driving days. Also so the people we visit can see through to their true charms. So, until we leave, I've got my last Garden Club meeting and my last Scrabble game, a garage sale, and some general panic. After we leave, you'll find me and the dogs summering in Carmel while Brandon lives the island life on Whidbey in Washington. Only after those good times will we officially move from North Carolina to the high desert of California. This means we will have to come back to NC in August, dashing my plans of totally avoiding a second summer in the humidity. The dry, desert heat will feel like air conditioning by comparison, however.

We'll be posting travel pics and stories right here. Y'all come back and check!

1 comment:

  1. Good travels to you guys! The latest Flickr's are fun. Sasquatch! Ha! Sweet ride, Jerry. Doh, I meant the Sub.
