Friday, December 08, 2006

Extra super stoned

Extra super stoned
Originally uploaded by Monkey loves Kitten.
Quentin had surgery yesterday to have a mass removed from his right heel. Poor kid was at the hospital for nine hours. He had a general anesthetic so we got his teeth cleaned while he was out. The doc also found a small growth on his tongue. What a wreck this guy is!

Well, he was fairly stoned when we picked him up but despite that was able to communicate to us that he was pretty pissed off. He didn't have the strength to sneer for a few hours, but we could tell.

I called my dad to report on Quentin's condition and realized, as my dad waited for me to say why I was calling, that at this point in my pregnancy I can't call anyone unless it's show time. Sorry.

Click on the pic for some gory goodness!


  1. Serious Gory - Im so glad Im not seeing it in person. I love that you guys post this stuff.

    Tallula is getting her nostrils widened next week - you want to see the picks after?

    ps - your nails look fab!

  2. ...Super stoned with serious cotton mouth - poor poochie.
