Friday, July 01, 2005

Florida Hibiscus

Florida Hibiscus, originally uploaded by Monkey loves Kitten.

We spent Saturday night through Thursday morning in Florida. Two of those nights, Monday and Tuesday, were spent at Chris and Rob's beachfront condo in Palm Coast. Palm Coast is on the Atlantic, an hour south of Jacksonville. We had a lovely time; enjoyed beach walks and poolside Scrabble games. Thanks to our friends, Guy and Destiny, for the travel version. It came in handy when we began to play by the side of the pool and the rains came and we had to quickly head for cover. Probably not the original intention of the snap-in tiles, but none the less appreciated. Brandon won both days, jerk.

Quentin got to do some first-time beach walking, Atlantic Ocean style. He's truly not a water dog, but did try drinking the stuff more than once. Hmmm, also perhaps not the quickest of creatures. This poor guy has slept in more places lately than a, well, relocating dog, I suppose. (Gotta keep this thing kid-friendly.) He's really doing well, all things considered. Has not yet attacked us in our sleep.

Wednesday, we drove back to Jacksonville in the afternoon and had dinner with Jason, Tami, and Aiden. Jason was Brandon's co-bestman, y'all remember. After dinner, we tried for a good night's sleep, and hit the road for our final destination.

More on that later!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Did you get a Dooce camera? That is an AMAZING pic!

    When we got married, people said "if you can survive a 2-week road trip, your marriage will survive anything."

    We made it with no scars and so far so good. Hope the same can be said for you three!

