Monday, July 25, 2005

A little art'll do ya

A little art'll do ya, originally uploaded by Monkey loves Kitten.

Some of the rooms are getting much better! Some are not! I have to get it together because we are having guests this weekend! Hee hee!

If you look closely at this pic, you'll notice no wires coming from the speaker. What's that? You think it does not produce sound? Why, no, foolish one, what you meant to say was, wow, Brandon surely did a fantastic job increasing the resale value of the house because it is obviously WIRED FOR SURROUND SOUND. We're very excited. It only took an hour and a half in the attic, enjoying the heck out of the fiberglass insulation sticking to his ever-sweating self. We got to fish lines, drill holes, run wire, you get the drift. It was a fun project. Well, I was inside in the AC, so it was fairly fun for me!

Please click the pic for more!


  1. It looks like your house is coming along really nicely! Seems like you are getting everything together in record time too! And don't worry about your house guests, they are getting senile anyway and will not remember what they saw in a year or two.
    Congrats on getting the house in order, I know it is a big relief. Send Quentin our love!
    Kim, the sister-in-law

  2. "How muuuch
    are those froggies
    in the windooooow..." :o)
