Monday, January 02, 2006

I finally got my hands on her!

Tia and Jocelyn, originally uploaded by Monkey loves Kitten.

Jocelyn could not be more darling. So sweet and so warm and so little! She's still young enough to be passed all around and that's exactly what we did with her on Christmas. Scott and Judy realized when making gift tags that had better decide what they wanted to be called. The decision was made after much discussion and the choices are: Haku and Grams. Brandon and I weighed in since this will be applicable to our kiddies also. Mom decided that since Dad calls her Judes and Josh calls her Moms, Grams followed suit. Dad was leaning towards Opa, but settled on Haku which is how he pronounced his first name, Michael, when he was a tot.

Christmas salad, originally uploaded by Monkey loves Kitten.

I offer my praise and thanks to the marketing guy who came up with the idea to sell pomegranate seeds without that cumbersome pomegranate!

Lee and Caleb, originally uploaded by Monkey loves Kitten.

We were lucky to have a visit from my friend, Lee. Even luckier for us, she brought her son and her mom. Brandon and I saw Caleb in May and something weird happened since then - he turned from a baby into a little boy. Man, I tell ya, you gotta keep your eye on these babies. Caleb was very mobile and very good at cracking himself up. It was particularly funny to bury his face in the carpet and bite his mom on the leg with his new front teeth. He was snacking on some crackers and you could tell how useful he found those teeth to be. Carol and Lee were treated to a viewing of our wedding album. I figure we can get away with foisting it on people for a few more months before they roll their eyes and push it away.


  1. Super-lovely table setting, Martha! I agree with the pom seed thing. I sprinkled them liberally over a cheese and fruit tray and it just sparkled. Sparkled, I tell you!!
    PS - the baby monkey is cute. So is the little boy monkey.

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    She IS a tiny li'l thang!
    Love that salad 'n' place setting, too.
    Always wondered where yer pop got that "Haku" moniker from.
