Tuesday, November 22, 2005

On the road again

Just in time for my full day of driving, the rain began again. I woke up yesterday to find it had rained all night and discovered as my day elapsed that the rain was not to stop.

Well, I left the kids with their jailers just before 10 am and headed east on 70 to Raleigh. I stopped at the state's farmers' market there where I found this little piggy girl.

From there I continued east to Greensboro on 40 where I picked up 85 to Greenville, SC. I continued east from there to my final destination near Clemson. Just after I passed there and darkness had settled and I began to need to pay close attention to my directions, the volume of rain increased. A lot. I was white-knucking it and probably negated the positive effects of last week's massage. Gah. But, I made it in good time and incident free and in time for cocktail hour, so all in all, a good day.


  1. Is that pig wearing Dolphin shorts?

  2. Well ladies, it is the south. I cannot account. But I will surely get in trouble for having just said that!

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    that reminds me, I have to add bacon to the shopping list.
    Thanks Rebecca!

  4. If you really want pork...


  5. yeah, not really. still scarred by the pig-face in the freezer bin. How much per pound did ya say?
