Monday, August 22, 2005

Brandon called yesterday and we exhausted the balance of his first 1000 minute calling card. It only took three calls and about 90 minutes to do it! What a deal.

He says he's getting the hang of his job. Every day he's got reports to file and when he finishes those, he's done for the day. Some days are long, some are longer. He expects to be even busier over the coming weeks.

The care package I sent on the 13th arrived today. I sent it priority mail, but that's still better than I expected. Good news. Now he's got his computer and can begin getting us some photos. I anticipate a lot of beige.


  1. So how do we get more of those cards to him?

    did you say 90 minutes out of the 1000?

  2. Yep, totally ridiculous, no? He's going to ask around and see if there are any better deals going. Thanks for asking and I'll let ya know when I hear.

