Friday, August 26, 2005

I'm outta here

In a bit I'll be checking the dogs into their hotel (sounds better than jail) and hitting the road for sunny Florida! Okay, it's more stormy than sunny, but where I'm heading, should be okay. I've got a full day of driving ahead of me. Wow, it's been WEEKS since I did that!

I'll post when I can!


  1. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Dude! I found your blog! I like the picture of the hill billys, but I found one thing very disturbing about it. Who is the one guy without overalls? He just has like a pair of shorts on. How did her get in here?

  2. Anonymous12:09 AM

    oops...forgot to put this...

  3. Welcome, Brian Parra, to the land of wonderment.
    (I read you too.)
