Thursday, August 04, 2005


I just reset the clock on my computer to EDT. I had kept it on west coast time, mostly out of laziness, but also to feel connected. I could be sitting at the computer in the morning and think,
- Oh, my friends are just getting in to work, awww
- Hey, maybe my friends are having lunch together now, awww
- I know Sonia isn't having any corn and Sacha's probably putting feta on her salad right now. She puts raisins in there, Sonia wouldn't like that, neither would Kim, they don't understand the virtues of fruit in salad, awww
- Wow, I'm cracking open a beer and they still have hours to go, awww

So, I decided that wasn't helping anybody and I'd make the change. Now I have to subtract three hours to "awww."


  1. Anonymous7:56 AM

    "It's five o'clock somewhere."

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I did this! It took forever for me to change my watches, clocks, everything, because, just like you said, I needed to still feel connected. I still often, when I look at a clock, think "2:15 here, 4:15 in OK." Especially at night when I want to call people and I realize "9:30pm here...nevermind."

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    one of the things that makes losing a friend to the east coast is that if I wanted to call you when the baby girl wakes up AT 5:30 you would probably be awake - at least more awake then anyone here!

    I am so glad you understand the fruit in salad obsurdity.
