Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I just took the kids out for a pee. I walked through a spider web. At first I didn't think much of it, then I realized it was more of an afghan than a web and that freaked me out a little. Then, I remembered the girl who works at the gym who was nibbled by a brown recluse last week. Then I remembered the spider bite currently calling my left leg home. That's when the spazzy flailing began. I tell ya, if anyone saw my outdoor antics and had the presence of mind to grab the video cam, America's Funniest Videos wouldn't know what hit 'em.


  1. I would have totally video cammed it. I LOOOVE spazzy flailing (almost as much as tripping and falling down). Imagining it is almost like being there - thanks for making me smile!!

    :) :) :)

    ps i hope you were able to successfully flail off all the brown recluses.. :D :D :D

  2. If I tried to video JP pee- & poo-scooting (aka not stopping while relieving), my neighbors would seriously wonder. She just put a flail show on for Miss V... show-off.

    I wanna flail...

  3. OK WAIT - I think what everyone just overlook was the girl at the "gym"! - WTF - don’t tell me your using your time wisely and frequenting a healthy establishment???

  4. Oh crap. V found me out. What if I told you by "gym" I meant "bakery"? Would you believe that? What if I gave you a doughnut?

  5. Sorry. That was a harsh comment. Erase, erase. My increased clothing size can only be blamed on me.

  6. RoCO - c'mon, you can totally find someone/thing else to blame. Don't give up so easily. ;)

  7. like Guac?
    or the guy that makes it?

  8. That's a start, but it's really our generation's way to blame society, or parents, or parochial school experiences, or something like that.
