Friday, September 02, 2005

I'm here to announce - PROGRESS!

Yes, progress visited just a few minutes ago. I gave Shane her second bathtub bath and I am only half-drenched. She managed to stay IN the tub the whole time and I managed to get her MORE than half clean! Yes, that's right, despite her cries and my fear than she would snap (figuratively and the other way), 'cause we just don't know her that well yet, we got it done. I also discovered that when I took the bathroom door down to paint the frame, I somehow re-hung it poorly and it won't latch. A new project!


  1. What the hell?
    Blog Spam?

    Anyway, glad to hear you are okay.
    One trick for keeping the doggies still when bathing them is taking one hand, or fore arm, and putting it under their bellies, all the way back into the rear legs and almost lift them off the ground. Once it's there they'll have a harder time stepping over your wrist, and generally just chill until you take the hand away....then it's Twist time and splatter.

    Give it a try on the other half!

  2. Thanks for the tip! Wrestling move noted.
    Horse figurine!

  3. Anonymous5:58 PM

    That horse figurine site is funny. Did you browse? Look on gift links and click here now. It is hilarious!
    Glad you found a new fan!

    Happy you are home safe too.

  4. Hey Rebecca,

    I enjoyed seeing you when you were in town! Im looking forward to your next visit already.
    FYI, if you want to get rid of the blog spam, you can go to settings and under basic, you chose "No" for the question that asks "Add your blog to our listing?" I learned that after I started getting all kinds of weird comments and had to delete them.

    Glad to hear you and the pups are well! Congrats on giving Shane a sucessful bath!

