Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Man at Work

Here's a very recent pic of Brandon - in theater, as they say. I think he looks thin, what say you? I also say he looks mighty good to me. No need to comment on that one.

I was surprised by a call from him this morning. Surprised and really glad I was home. We hadn't set up a time for a call this week, so I surely didn't expect it. I do know to answer all calls, though, even if it might be (probably is) a telemarketer. Something about the calling card calling routing has a new, unidentified number showing up on Caller ID each time, so I just have to suffer through the offers, at least until I can politely interrupt and assure them I don't want or need it and make sure they verbally acknowledge they will NOT be signing me up for anything and will NOT be charging anything to my credit card even though I know they are truly. just. trying. to. help. protect. me. (Sorry, channeling William Shatner) Got it.

Brandon's been working some insane hours the last several days. I like it because we can email several more times a day. He doesn't like it because his system is all thrown off and he has worked as many as 20 hours in a row. He told me that he worked through the night and left his office at 5am to visit the loo. When he walked outside he was surprised to find it still dark. Dark there is really, very dark. He described walking with his hands extended to try to not run into anything. He said it is a darkness your eyes cannot adjust to. I think that's scary. He said he's not afraid. He's tuff after all.


  1. Are those top secrets your posting on the internet in the background??? I think a little think too - probably lack of vino. Hang in there girlie, he will be back soon.

  2. Look how shiny the ring is! Oh, and he looks ok too ;o)

  3. V-Yes, there was some photoshopping on my end for the background. Good job, super sleuth!

    RoCoBeBo-I know, the ring, so cute married! So soon for you too!
